If you are currently driving a petrol two wheeler, you might be interested to know that by switching to electricity, you could save over 21,000 Rs. per year. Hero Electric is a company that is dedicated to providing people with eco-friendly electric two wheelers to satisfy their transportation needs.
We offer both high-speed and low-speed models, so you will be able to get the two-wheeler that you require for the type of driving you do. Hero Electric uses green and innovative technologies to increase our products’ Cost-effectiveness as well as their eco-friendliness. We are also proud to have launched the concept of “anywhere, everywhere” charging stations.
Those hoping to save money as well as the Environment by switching to an electric two wheeler will find that Hero Electric is the reliable and reputable company that they need. We look forward to meeting your needs for low-cost transportation.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Electric Two Wheelers information and ordering.